Structured Settlement Annuities

  • Structured Settlements allow plaintiffs to receive their physical injury, wrongful death, or workers' compensation settlements in a series of payments not subject to income tax. Structured Settlements may also be applicable in non-physical injury cases so that the claimant can get tax-deferred income without taking a fully taxable lump sum.

    We can provide you with detailed information about the various structured settlements available, including:

    Fixed Annuities

    Index-Linked Annuities

    Market-Based Investments

    Growth Structured Settlements

  • Before the settlement arrangement is completed, the parties must reach an agreement on using a Structured Settlement. Once they have agreed, the claimant discharges the defendant (or the insurer) of liability. The defendant or insurer then sends the structured settlement funds to a third-party assignment company, which assumes responsibility and acquires an annuity or investment from a Structured Settlement issuer (often a highly-rated life insurance company). The issuer then makes regular payments per the established timeline and amount.

    Structured Settlements can be offered for almost any settlement size; we can structure amounts as low as $10,000. It is ultimately the claimant's decision whether to structure, and many find that structured settlement is much more advantageous than a single lump sum payment.

  • 100% Income-Tax-Free for Physical Injury and Wrongful Death Cases:

    People who utilize a structured settlement for proceeds emanating from a physical injury or wrongful death settlement receive their periodic payments, including the interest gained, free from state and/or federal taxes, as per Section 104(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.

    100% Income Tax-Deferred for Non-Physical Injury Cases:

    These types of structured settlement payments (as well as growth) grow pre-tax and are an effective tax-deferral for non-physical injury cases.

    Guaranteed Payments:

    The payment schedule is agreed upon at the beginning of the process, and claimants are assured a steady source of secure income with guaranteed payments.

    Guaranteed Rate of Return:

    Structured settlement annuity payments have a guaranteed rate of return, safeguarding the injured party from any market volatility.

    No Overhead Fees or Expenses:

    Structured settlements do not have any set-up, ongoing or overhead fees. Settlement consultants are paid a one-time commission that is built into the rates offered by the life insurance companies.